These were received through experiential visions and lucid dreams in the order they are listed and compliment The Gateways as unique healing modalities. The Template must precede the Liquid Silver. Otherwise, the attunements are flexible in order and can be repeated as you feel necessary. I guide your light through the experience. We are all connected with this light. There is no restriction to the number or repetition of attunements in any given time.
The River Attunement This is an attunement for when you feel like you're lagging behind, stuck in the past, edgy, or just generally feel like you're missing something. It helps get you up to step on your path. It is also a prerequisite to the first Gateway.
Silver Tree Attunement This is the tree of prosperity that enhances one's spiritual path and inherent gifts. True value is within.
Ageless Attunement Here the aging issues are relaxed to allow space for full expression in the infinite moment.
Light Worker Attunement This attunement balances opposing fields of energy and simultaneous realities. It supplies the necessary equal flow where all things become possible.
Identities Attunement Here the extensions of multi-dimensionality are relaxed as being separate identities or roles to allow fluidity and spontaneity in being.
Template Attunement This addresses the misperceptions about the new template coming on-line with the evolutionary changes so that one can properly integrate and implement it creatively. This is a beneficial adjustment.
Liquid Silver Attunement Here the connection between reason and creativity is enhanced towards unity and wholeness as we move beyond separatism.
Density Attunement This lightens form, reduces density, and allows for greater movement in thought or intent where substance once interfered. This resurfaces during monumental shifts throughout the ages.
Solar Aspect Attunement A blend with the solar aspect is offered here. This covers multiple levels.
Psychic Healing, Spiritual Wholeness, Spiritual Balance, Light Worker, Spiritual Prosperity, Inherent Gifts, Ego Identity, Unity
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